CAHC (Description)

Cincinnati Area Handmade Creations

The CAHC Blog Gurus

The CAHC blog is a cooperative venture among team members.  We are constantly recruiting and encouraging our members to submit ideas and articles that are original, entertaining, and unique.  This is venue to showcase our skills, ideas, community contributions, the shops we are proud to call CAHC shops, and local topics of interest in the Cincinnati area.  All articles are credited to the individuals who create them, along with a link to their Etsy shop.  However, with such a large membership, it is necessary to reserve the editorial and design work  for a select group in order to maintain...  well...  order!  These individuals are responsible for the "final draft", so to speak, that you see when you visit the blog.  Each has shown initiative and true team spirit by stepping up to volunteer their time and talents for the benefit of the entire CAHC team, and this page is reserved to honor their individual awesomeness.

Lu Sun, luluslittleshop, Graphic Design Guru, Contributing Editor, and CAHC Team Leader
Lu is the main force behind this blog; as a professional graphic designer, she offered up her services and is responsible for the team's logo, the entire techy side of maintaining the blog, and the quietly pretty page that pops up when you view the page.  She also keeps all of the various events continuously updated for us, which is a full time job on its own with our busy membership.

Lindsay Braud, lulufitzgerald, Contributing Editor, Content Coordinator
Lindsay stepped up before the blog was even published and offered to write up our first featured shop profile.  Her background in journalism and impressive writing skills made her the perfect candidate to take on the role of a contributing editor and content coordinator.  Lindsay will be working with members to perfect their ideas and form them into great posts, as well as generating content of her own.  We are lucky to have her as part of the editorial team!

Lauren Martin, The Artsy Bibliomaniac, Contributing Editor, Content Manager, and CAHC Team Captain
Yep, this person is me:)  As the team captain, I am highly invested in making certain our members are well represented by everything we do; I take people up on their offers to help out and recruit individuals to show off their skills!  I take on the final edit of pretty much everything posted and work closely with Lu and Lindsay on the content posted to the blog.  Design work, however, is pretty much all Lu, my job there is just to stand in awe of her skills!  I also write content, and will be working with individual members on their contributions to the blog; I'm the Bibliomaniac because I love reading, writing, and books so much that I got my BA in English Lit and am excited to put those skills to use (finally!).  Above all else, I am grateful to be working with such awesome people, and without their contributions and efforts, this blog wouldn't exist at all.

Got a suggestion or idea of what you'd like to see?  Let us know, we're always looking for new stuff!
Problems or complaints?  Well, I hope not, but if so, that's why I'm here.  Contact me and I'll try to work it out!